Tuesday, September 7, 2010

500+ Cloth Diapering myths

  • Cotton babies (via Facebook) posted an awesome question on their page today requesting "What is your favorite cloth diaper myth?" There are well over 500 responses when I checked! Here are some of them:

  • maybe I'm an old hippie
    22 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Also, I also love the misconception that cloth diapering makes it more difficult to potty train. WRONG. My daughter is 18 months old and already starting to learn.
    22 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they take longer than disposable diapers, everyone talks about what a pain they are.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That it's too hard for working moms.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Only hippies and tree huggers use them! Sooo not true!!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that they are time consuming and more expensive since you have to launder them.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that babies get terrible rashes and you will have to use disposables and and desitin every time to clear them up! My little guy is HIGHLY allergic to disposables and since finding that out....he hasn't been in one since.....and is skin in perfect!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • ‎"I thought about cloth diapering, but it was so expensive." Um, ok, and disposables are what? Cheap? That one always makes me chuckle.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That I would be living in a stinky house despite doing laundry EVERY day!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That cloth babies get more diaper rashes or that the diapers stink, both are completely not true!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That your washing machine will be covered with poop even after the wash and rinse cycles are complete...LOL!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • You'll spend all of your time washing diapers or they are so hard.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That it's too hard to keep up with. People gave me a hard time about CDing because I chose not to start until my 3rd child. they all told me I would just give up....well I haven't!!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 
  • That they leak and have more blowouts than disposables...I haven't had any blowouts since using cloth.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they are hard to care for - totally not true!!!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they'd leak all the time! No way... my night time cloth dipes actually leak LESS than my sposies did.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • ‎"That it is harder to change them than sposies" Not true.. you take it off, you put it on.. and instead of throwing in the trash you thow it in your diaper pail

    21 minutes ago ·  · 
  • That they're old fashioned! No way!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They are too much work, and they stink. That the money saved isn't worth dunking the diapers.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That my hubby won't do diaper changes with cloth.....he loves them & does all the washing, too!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that you will get more diaper rashes and they aren't sanitary.
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they are gross and it is sooooo old fashioned!
    21 minutes ago ·  · 

  • The comment I get most of the time is "I didn't know there were cloth diaper services anymore." Then I kindly tell them that I wash all of my own diapers. That's when I get the "WTH are you thinking look." Sometimes I just tell people that ...
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Where do I start. They aren't any better for the environment because you have to wash them ALL the time. Baby will get rashes because they'll sit in pee and poop all the time. And here's one..someone once said to me "They don't make cloth diapers anymore, they stopped making those about 30 years ago."
    20 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person · 

  • That they are gross and it is a pain to wash them all the time....
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That babies won't crawl and walk properly with cloth on their botoms.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 
  • That you'll have to be ok with scraping poop if you use cloth. Um, I don't go near it. :)
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That cloth is more work than sposies and that cloth stinks more and costs more money! HUH?? Who are these people kidding! :o)
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • AH! So many post. Its hard to leave feedback. Raquel your so right.. they are not just for h ippies and tree huggers..
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Thought of another. If it's not OK to post twice disregard this.
    "Better you than me!"
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  I heard that they caused horrible rashes in the summer. I also heard the are worse for the environment than disposables.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that you are a hippie freak or that they are griss and good moms wont use them
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That it is more work.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Your child will be the stinky kid at daycare!
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They stink... they are dirty etc etc etc
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They're too much work and washing them is gross. You're not washing them by hand!
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they're too much work, and babies get rashes from being wet. I guess that was technically 2 myths.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they have the same environmental impact as sposies. Ridiculous.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 
  • cloth diapers cause diaper rash
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That there's no way babysitters/church nurseries will be able/willing to change my baby's cloth diapers...not true! In fact, the volunteers in our church nursery think they're super cute and actually enjoy changing my little one!
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • ‎"it's dirty and unsanitary! you can't use CD's when you come visit me at my house."- that was from my MIL. GREAT excuse to not visit her ;)
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That between the washes when you bleach they carry dangerous bacteria from all the poo
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That it's so hard to do. When my pastor heard I was CD'ing, he said "we'll see how long that lasts!". Two years later, still going strong!
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • While considering whether to cloth diaper or not, I read an argument that they are actually LESS environmentally friendly than disposables, due to the amount of water used to wash them, production of cotton, etc. It was obviously a very biased report.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that they smell bad. They smell a TON better than dirty disposables.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That the water usage to wash them makes them worse for the environment than disposables.
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they have the same environmental impact as disposables!
    20 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Using extra water and electricity is bad for the environment! Pretty sure I'd rather that then fillin up landfills with poop!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they're "gross". Haha.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That using cloth is more expensive then using disposables!!!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 
  •  Let's see...you'll have to use those rubber pant things, you'll stab the baby with pins, you'll have poo all over the place, you'll have SO much more laundry, you'll have more chance of diaper rash...you name it, it seems like I've heard of it. We LOVE our Cloth Dipes!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  too messy and too hard to use!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 
  •  You have to scrub them in the toilet. And they require diaper pins.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  ‎"Cloth diapering is so much more expensive than using disposables. I can get 8,000 diapers in a package at Costco for $5. There's no way cloth diapers are cheaper."
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  too much work...ummm not really :)
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they are worse for the environment than disposables.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  MYTH: Cloth diapers leak more often. TRUTH: There have been instances where I have had to use disposibles and more times than not, they leaked. My cloth...never.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  ‎"It'll make your baby bowlegged!" (Cause everyone of us who was cloth diapered is bowlegged, right?)
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That it is just as expensive as disposables because of laundering and that no one will ever help you change your baby!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  • messy and disgusting:
    my parents when we told them we were going to cloth diaper: "we don't want you to have to do that. we tried them with your brother to save money and it lasted a week. we'll buy you disposables every week!"
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  Ive always been told its nasty and your baby will always have a rash
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  oh yes, and "its against the law for us to use cloth diapers as a daycare." Um, no its not.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  It's a lot of work and not worth the effort.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  • the best I've ever heard is that "No one does cloth anymore!" IF they only knew!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  I was told that they cost more than disposables by a crazy family member (lol). And way too much work.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 
  • It's just as bad on the environment to wash cloth diapers as it is to use sposies.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  • You have to dump and swish all the poopy diapers in the toilet.
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they are gross!!! I'm sorry looking at a kid in sposies with a droopy butt is cute? I think not!
    19 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person · 

  •  that my baby wont be able to sit up as soon as other babies and that they will cause her to have constant diaper rash! definitely not true on either account!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  they potty train faster!
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  cloth is harder to use then sposies! With the new diapers it's just as easy! :)
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that you have to dunk them in the toilet and change every 30 minutes because they'll be wet on the outside lol
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That somehow a trashcan full of poopy diapers would stink FAR LESS than a bucket of rinsed clean cloth diapers. Or that rinsing the diaper and flushing away the mess was SO MUCH harder than finding a special plastic bag to tie off a still nasty disposable one. And most people STILL believe it. :(
    19 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that there is no good reason for the extra hassle when disposables are so much easier
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they don't allow the babies butts to "breathe" and that between all the washing (water use) you have to do you're not helping the environment any.
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  you'll do just as much environmental damage by using all the water to clean them as you would tossing disposables into the landfill.
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that they make a child become a late walker and that they are only good for a few months.
    18 minutes ago ·  · 
  • So many - and where to start! Your house will smell if you use cloth, why would you want to use cloth when disposiables are so much easier and cheeper (really?), you will never be able to potty train a child in cloth diapers (did it twice already, will work on #3 in a few years), the list goes on and on - I get the "that's so gross" a lot!
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That I'll spend all of my time doing laundry and she'll always smell like pee and poo. So far, not true :)
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Just using a washing machine couldn't possibly get cloth diapers clean or sterilized enough.
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • The too much work and extra laundry if anything it's less than what we had when we had blow outs with sposies and even my husband loves the no rashes. He's been trying to convert people he works with. ;)
    18 minutes ago ·  · 
  • That they won't hold as much pee as a disposable! :)
    18 minutes ago ·  · 
  • That my wife will wash all of the diapers lol
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Cloth diapers cause infection.
    18 minutes ago ·  · 
  • It's so much work to cloth diaper and they make your house smell.
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That it takes longer to change your baby with Cloth diapers then it does disposible diapers. Seriously|?
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That you will get e. coli from the residue in your washer....
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that they are harder to use and worse for the environment
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That CDs are not better for the environment than sposies! YEAH WHATEVER... good try! haha!
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That it's way too much work - why would anyone want to do all of that laundry when you can just toss a disposable?!
    18 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they're more work than they're worth, and that it's too difficult to deal with poop diapers!
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  Ewww, they're gross! (like sposies sitting in a landfill aren't?)
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Too much work and not worth the time and that is why no one uses cloth anymore.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • You have to stick your hands down in the toilet to wash them out.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they are more work than disposables. I like not having to run to the store when my diapers "run out."
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that cloth is more expensive!
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They are all to big and bulky
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that they use more water than disposables, so are worse for the environment! ugh- i hate that one!
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  They are SO much work and so messy and they stink and ALL you're ever going to do is l.a.u.n.d.r.y.! :o) Bahahaha
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That is will break you washer when you dry them- that they get stuck down in the dryer and your dryer stops working
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • Make your kid bold legged, best I've heard yet.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they cause diaper rash. Really! I was floored.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  Makes you baby potty train sooner because the baby feels more wet than with disposable...might be true of some cloth diapers that don't wick away the wetness from their skin. My son never complains after he goes in his BG 3.0.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That cloth diapers smell bad. So not true! We used some disposables over the weekend while we were traveling and we learned that our baby's bf poop smells band in sposies, but hardly smells at all when she's in cloth.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That you HAVE to have a stinky pail full of grimy water with dirty dupes soaking. Pail liners are the best!!
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they're messier than sposies. I had WAY more uncontained blowouts with sposies! In fact, I don't think we've ever had a poop leak with our cloth!
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • ‎"They end up costing the same as disposables after laundry costs." I just have to laugh when I hear that one!
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that they wouldn't learn how to walk because the cloth was too thick.
    17 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  I've heard that washing diapers was just too gross and is so much work. Come on! No one thought we'd actually stick with it, but we love cloth and our sitters are happy to use it as well.
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they do not save you any money, because you spend more on detergents and water!!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  too much effort - (something i myself used to think)...
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they are difficult to use!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  • I've heard they keep them from becoming mobile... so not true for my rolling 5 month old!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  • The craziest one I've heard is that the cloth diapers don't contain poop and should be made out of gortex.
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they actually aren't cost effective or
    environmentally friendly because of all the extra loads of laundry.
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  Your child learns to walk slower than children in disposables. That's my favorite one, because it is SOOOOOO not true!!!! (And completely ludicrous!)
    16 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person · 

  • That they leak more than disposables, they are way better, I have never had a blowout in cloth!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  they are too much work!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that it takes too much time
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that clothdiapers leak and stink a lot!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  You can't take your kids out with CD's because you don't want to be carrying around dirty diapers.
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  • I heard a story of someone seeing a cloth diaper and saying, "oh, aren't those expensive?" because he thought that you threw them away and had to buy a new one for EVERY diaper change! lol
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That washing would cost more than buying disposables. Our water bill actually went down bc we were leaking less and doing less loads of clothes and blankets sheets etc!! Ha!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They cause a terrible diaper rash! Never had a problem with that.
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  They're more expensive in the long run than disposables. Hardly!
    16 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  My favorite--"it's not natural."
    16 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person · 

  •  We really haven't encountered any. But my parents thought we had to use diaper pins and when I showed them a snappi they wished they had had one when they CD me!
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  ‎"my baby just pees too much for cloth...we'd always leak" hah! um no!! bamboo it up baby!
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they are nasty and messy to clean up
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that they are gross and hard to manage.
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  Disposables are better b/c they save water on washing!
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that being a new mom it is so much work, and the plastic pants r so hot. it is funny that so many people dont understand that cloth has changed so much. it is great i told my mother that i was going to use cloth she really bought me plastic pants. lol she was amazed when i showed her my bgs
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  The best myth I have heard was that cloth diapers leak. HA! No leaks for us. We are new to cloth diapers with this (#3) baby and we had so many diaper leaks with disposables on our first two kids. Thanks bumgenius!
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  It is less environmetally friendly since you will have to do so much more laundry, your house will smell, it is so old fashioned... to name a few
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they wind up costing more bc of laundry etc...
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  • ‎"It's too expensive!" We spent on 2 doz BG's what we spent one on month's worth of disposables with no noticeable increase in our water bill. They lasted on one child for two years and we plan to use them again for the next one due in four weeks.
    15 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  Too much work and gross. People ask me all the time what I do with the poop. What do you think! flush it lol
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  They dirty up the washer and soil other clothes.
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That disposables are so much easier.
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  I loved being told that my son would have more diaper rash in cloth than he would in disposables...he hasn't had any diaper rash sincew we switched
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that cloth is more expensive. yeah, right!
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they are all to big and bulky
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That cloth diapers blow out poop more often -- so not true!! Every time I use a disposable I marvel at how much better my cloth diapers are :-) (Especially my Flips :-))
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they leave poop in your washer and get on the rest of your laundry and aren't sanitary to use again and again...
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  It will be so much work, you'll never stick with it. (Truth is, it's easy peasy!)
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  that the poop will stay in your washer forever, and you will be washing every article of clothes in poop. Also that it will ruin my washer in only 1 year if i wash cloth diapers. nuts!
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They waste the same amount as disposables because of washing and drying costs.
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  You might have to touch poop if you cloth diaper...
    14 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  ‎1)There's no way they are cheaper than disposables. You have to pay $200 - $300 up front. It only costs $20 here or there for disposables.
    2)They are unsanitary.
    14 minutes ago ·  · 
  • They leak everywhere! And you have to use those annoying vinyl pants :)
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that its unsanitary
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • They leak more than disposables and it delays crawling and walking.
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That it is unsanitary and gross. totally not true!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That you have to touch poop!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  They dont hold as much as sposies. Mine hold more :)
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That CDing would be too much extra work for an already working momma.

    I already do several loads of laundry throughout the week. Plus I can leave dipes in the dryer and not worry about them wrinkling. :)
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  your baby will get terrible diaper rash.
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  ‎"I make so much per hour that they're not cost-effective for me." Really, this person must wash everything by hand and have someone else run to the store for sposies in the middle of the night!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  You still have to throw the poop in the trash, why not throw the whole thing away?! Wth?! Lol apparently everyone I know who doesn't cloth diaper believes this and doesn't believe fecal matter isn't supposed to go in the trash in the first place. Oh and that they cause way more rashes than sposies lol
    13 minutes ago ·  · 
  •  It is a messy process changing cd and they make you house and everythig else smell!!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they are inconvenient!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • cloth diapers cause rashes
    13 minutes ago ·  · 
  •  That they're a pain to use.
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  •  That they're much more difficult to use than sposies
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • that they create diaper rash! Someone once told me that my daughter would have a constant rash due to using cloth! Yet my doctor told me with how sensitive her skin is she would be worse off in the sopsies!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • The only way to clean a cloth diaper is to dunk them in the toilet!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • too much effort!!
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That my laundry would smell like poo because we use the same washer. ~~ Ridiculous! I don't wash my shirts with my diapers.
    13 minutes ago ·  · 

  • That they are too much work folding and pinning. Who needs to fold and pin anymore with all the new great cloth diapers!
    12 minutes ago ·  · 
  • That thay leak and cause rashes.
    12 minutes ago ·  · 

  • And what I choose to add is: Crappiest Myth yet- There is no support group for me to learn this new thing! WHAT A LIE!! There are loads of facebook groups, there is the Gdiaper Yahoo group- which is awesome! There are loads of you tube videos of people JUST LIKE YOU who are learning how to do it for the first time, without help from their mom, grandma, aunt, cousin, friend, co-worker, etc. I live in the least "crunchy" town ever (this may be debatable, but I am pretty sure people move here to get away from other "crunchy", or "hippie" people. There still are people like that here! But who cares? Choose to do it because you will save money, you will do something good for the environment, and you can choose to make it fun and easy! YAY!