My current dietary status is Raw Vegan. This decision came as a result of several reasons. First off I have bad reactions to dairy. I discovered that I was lactose intolerant within the past few years and have noticed a much more positive change in my health since I have limited (and then stopped) my consumption of any dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, etc). However, I believe that the majority of animal products that are available today in America are not worth eating. The crude way the animals are raised, the toxins they are injected with, and the negative affect that factory farming has on the environment have all played into this decision. Also I just feel that much better when I don’t include these things in my diet. I don’t personally believe that it is a sin for a person to eat animal products but for me being as aware as I am with how things are being done today- I do not feel like this is what I want to include in my diet. I just recently started eating raw and really just did it as a personal challenge that I hoped would help my body feel great and help me lose weight, rid myself of toxins, etc. I don’t know right now how I will eat for the rest of my life. But I can say this much: eating raw vegan sure makes my body happy!
At this current time, my raw food adventures can be found at www.rawkinwithtrish.blogspot.com
I hope to be able to transfer those posts over here soon but I am slowly figuring out how to use wordpress so it might be a while. Please visit there until further notice.