About me

Currently I am a stay at home mom, though I have a one to two times a week thing where I teach Bodyflow at Gold’s gym. I have one little son who is just a couple months old. We are at home in South Texas and therefore I need the support in making “green choices” because I literally don’t know many people here who are living this kind of lifestyle (not to its fullest anyway). I am hoping that like minded people will offer tips, suggestions to me and that I will also be able to help others who live this lifestyle/want to live like this with their goals. When I talk about being “green” I also mean “crunchy”, “all natural”, as ”organic” as possible, etc. Hopefully this blog can be the side of me that some of my friends will relate to where they wouldn’t related as much to my other blogs as a whole. That way the people who enjoy my other blogs and don’t care so much for my “green crunchiness” don’t have to deal with my “all natural is best” type posts.