Monday, November 8, 2010

If I had to start all over and do it again

I thought I'd write a post today about what I'd do differently next time and what I'd do the same time I do cloth diapers. My son is almost one year old now and so we have had several months of learning experiences. Here is what I'd do differently:

*Buy the right size of diaper- I tried saving money by just buying all size mediums and trying to make them fit until he grew into them. He is a big kid and I expected he would fit into it fairly quickly. Well, I'd buy the right size next time to start with.

*Get a wipes warmer- I still haven't got one of these but I think they'd be really useful. If the wipes were soaking in a solution that I could make myself- like with essential oils then it'd be really soothing to his little bottom instead of just me spraying the cloth wipes with a squirt bottle.

*Get only one or two types of diapers- I have way too many types of diapers. If I had to start over I would have done one of those "try it before you buy it" deals like has. Then I could see which ones work and only pay shipping.

*Only buy enough diapers to last 2-3 days. I could go a week without washing the diapers and I usually do. This is nice for me because I do not have to wash as often. However, the diapers get more stinky the more they sit and eventually you have to strip them when washing alone doesn't completely get out the ammonia smell.

*Hang toys down from the ceiling over the diaper changing table. I think if I did this then my son wouldn't be crawling around while I'm trying to change his diaper! Ahh!

*Stock up on diaper rash spray/cream/ointment. We just ran out and he has the worst rash yet! It is bathtime nearly everyday for now!

*Don't worry too much about snaps! True, velcro might not last as long. But it sure is quicker to go on when you have a squirmy baby who just won't lie still!

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