Friday, April 9, 2010

Goals for Green Going

“Going green” means something different to everyone who hears/says it. To me it means finding habits in life that are good and wholesome for me, my family, society, and the environment. I am not a professional anything; I’m just an average person who wants to make good choices in life.
Here is what my current actions include that could be categorized as “green going”:
Raw vegan food uptake
Finding farmers market here
My goals for more green going include:
learning how to cloth diaper and buying/making cloth inserts for my gDiapers
being economical-living on a budget/paying off credit card each month
buying personal care products with low hazard ratings and organic- if possible
shopping at the Farmers market weekly
learning how to compost- Why does this intimidate me so much?
Developing green thumb skills in my organic, local garden (backyard, ha ha)
doing more sewing- not everything- but just what would be cheaper to make myself

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