Friday, April 9, 2010

Why go Green?

Honestly I just want to be more responsible for my actions. Do I want to be held responsible for loads of my garbage rotting away in a landfill? Or would I rather recycle, cloth diaper, biodegrade, etc? To me the latter sounds like a better option.
+cloth diapers are cuter than disposables
+cloth diapers save you $$ in the long run
+cloth diapers are the future! (well we’ll see, but I think so)
+becoming self reliant: gardens, composting, and cloth diapers require less dependence on other resources than the alternatives
+thinking about my children and my children’s children and posterity (on forever). How will my choices today affect them? Am I filling up their earth with all my trash that I could have been more thoughtful about and learned green skills to prevent? Am I learning skills that will be useful to them in treating the Earth right?
+religious views: I believe that the Earth will be a Celestial kingdom one day- and in this kingdom will there exist any impurities? I’d like to think not. People won’t eat animal flesh because there won’t be any death. People won’t do irresponsible things that negatively affect their world. Why should I treat the Earth like that now in its pre-Celestial state? I don’t understand all things but to me this is just what seems right.
To me, living with integrity means being aware how my actions affect everyone/everything around me. Sometimes people will agree or disagree but ultimately I have to decide what feels right in my heart and for my family. I am not trying to be better than anyone else is or “get ahead”. I wish everyone wanted to make better decisions all the time but not all are in such a place where that is possible for them currently.
My personal mantra is: Be the change you want to see in the world. I know some famous person said that quote but I’m not sure who, prob can find out on google.

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